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We are an actor driven theatre company!

Theatre Lab will aim to produce a certain level of ambition and passion through every one of our projects. We will not have a "season," per se. There will not be any expectation associated with our company, aside from the quality of our productions. We don't "have to do 3 shows every season" to stay afloat. Theatre with this company will be made when it is ready to and/or wants to be made. The 'lab' part of our title indicates that there is an experimental aspect to our company. Theatre Lab is a vehicle for our actors to do what they want, when they want. Shows will span from original works and one acts to full length productions and the occasional cabaret. It is a community of Saint Louis' talent collaborating to make art that has been hand-picked by our performers. Imagine that every theatre production you saw was chosen to be performed by the people performing it. This is the actor's theatre. "We are actors. We're different." Additional information can be found at our Facebook Page: 



What are we?                                      Contact us!

Reach us via email, phone, or Facebook!


E mail:

Phone: 314-599-3309

Click the logo to the left for our Facebook Page!


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